Upcoming Programs
Volunteer Opportunities including GARDENING at Caw Caw and PURPLE MARTIN HOUSING in the parks...keep reading for more....
Purple Martin Housing
January 23rd at Johns Island County Park
Clean-ups: Francis Marion Clean-up
Thank you to Captain Zach Steinhauser, Mary Pringle and Jen Tyrrell for joining us for the showing of Zach's documentary Purple Haze. If you are interested in going out onto the water for a tour with Capt. Zach, here is a link to his tour company Carolina Safari.
Master Rain Garden Course use code "garden" to receive a discount for more information email sporzel@clemson.edu. starts March 3rd online
Looking for some Advanced Training Hours? Lifelong Learning at the South Carolina Aquarium.
For more information click on the words in blue for links.
The Brown Pelican....
Is the new official seabird of South Carolina!Here's the news as it was announced by the SC...
Social evening at Mix
Want to "team up" with...or against....your fellow MNs for some friendly competition axe...
Folly Beach Volunteers...
The City of Folly Beach is seeking volunteers to lead educational walk-and-talks on the beach...
Congrats, new graduates!
June 2nd saw us gather to meet and celebrate the graduation for this year's Spring Class!We had...
Barry Tract Bio Blitz...
On May 19th Volunteers from the Coastal Master Naturalists Association (CMNA) volunteered their...
Scarlet Sky and Blue Blood documentary...
If you didn't come to the showing of Ben Clock's documentary, you missed a great opportunity to...