Barry Tract Bio Blitz...
On May 19th Volunteers from the Coastal Master Naturalists Association (CMNA) volunteered their time and expertise to assist with a BioBlitz on The Barry Tract. The Barry Tract is a 67.02-acre property located in the Ashley River Historic District, nestled between the State-Scenic Ashley River and the Ashley River Road National Scenic Byway—believed to be the oldest road still in use in South Carolina—with about 645 feet of frontage on each of these features. The property lies squarely within the boundaries of what was Lord Ashley’s Barony (12,000 acres), conveyed in 1675 via a deed negotiated and “marked” by 29 Kusso tribe leaders (12 of whom were women).
A bioblitz is a communal citizen-science effort to record as many species within a designated location and time period as possible. Bioblitzes are great ways to engage the public to connect to their environment while generating useful data for science and conservation. They are also an excuse for naturalists, scientists, and curious members of the public to meet in person in the great outdoors and are a lot of fun!
The CMNA was able to identify over 178 species in about three hours. The property is in a location that is highly threatened with development. CMNA's efforts may help The Barry Tract meet the intent of the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program and encourage the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to fund this important conservation project. CCPRC Staff included Kristina Wheeler and Noel Williams.
Here is a Thank You letter from the LLT
Dear CMNA volunteers,
On behalf of Lowcountry Land Trust, we sincerely thank you for your efforts and enthusiasm last weekend in collecting biological data at the Barry Tract.
We are deeply grateful for your willingness to share your time and expertise. The information collected will be valuable to the protection of this special place and provide tangible evidence of the species it's supporting.
We thoroughly enjoyed spending the day with all of you and hope that despite chiggers and ticks, that you had a great experience. We look forward to working together in the future on this project and others!
Marlo Mytty & David Ray
Conservation Operations Manager
Lowcountry Land Trust
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