And the award goes to.....
In this season of awards, it's only fitting that Keith McCullough (Natural History Interpretation Coordinator) and Kristina Wheeler (Natural History Interpretation Specialist) were recently awarded Honorary Statewide Master Naturalist status by Dr. James Blake of Clemson University for their longstanding service as instructors of the Charleston area Master Naturalist program.
Handmade clay plates with artwork and engravings were given to represent this honor. They join a very small group that have received this award that includes notable SC naturalists such as Rudy Mancke, Tony Mills, and Tim Lee. Keith has been involved with teaching CCPRC’s Master Naturalist program since 2008 and Kristina since 2012. Together they have certified 373 participants with Master Naturalist certifications, many of which volunteer significant time each year to benefit SC’s natural resources to maintain their certification.
Wood Ducks of Four Hole Swamp
On a cool morning in March, I joined fellow Master Naturalist, Edsel Taylor, at his bottomland...
Dolphin feeding and wading birds
The cool December morning bites. The low tide wanes. Herons and egrets fly overhead. There’s a...
Keeping Wildlife Wild: Burrito the Squirrelet’s Story
Release your inspiration...In the midst of hurricane season, we have had several stronger storms...
Prothonotary Warbler Nest Box Installation
A week and a half into March saw an enthusiastic group of Coastal SC Master Naturalists meet in...
Yawkey Wildlife Center
Our second outing in May was to the Yawkey Wildlife Center in Georgetown, SC.It was my first...
Walk & Talk - Cypress Gardens tour with Gabe Schuler
Saturday, May 21, 2022It was a warm but cloudy day, which made it a perfect morning for our walk...