Spring Graduation & Semi-Annual Business meeting
The first weekend in June saw us gather to celebrate our new Master Naturalist graduates! While the weather had turned a little chilly for June, we had a quality turnout for the celebration and business meeting.
In the Absence of Association President Dave Eslinger, VP Colin Hocking filled Dave's unfillable shoes and conducted the business portion of the meeting which had a volunteer-focused theme.
After an introduction from our CCPRC liaison, Kristina Wheeler, we took time to go around the 'room' and not only introduce ourselves, but talk about our volunteerism, too. It was eye-opening! The breadth of knowledge of our members and dedication to their causes is admirable!
After a pot-luck lunch, we of course had our little ramble around the shelter at McLeod Plantation. As always, there was plenty to see, study, and learn about, covering about 10 yards from the picnic tables :)
One of our first sightings was this wandering creature, thought to be a lacewing larva.
looking like a ball of cotton on legs, it does a great job of disguising itself, if not blending in with its surroundings!
We also had sight of some Coral Honeysuckle high in the canopy.
There were also some pollinators around, well, pollinating! And doing a great job, too!
Ok, we finally made it to the river before our two hours of rambling was over, and while I had a brief sighting of a dolphin, it didn't give me the opportunity to get a portrait...however, the bridge did give me a big wide open smile. Of sorts!
As always, it was a fun day of meeting old and new friends, and many thanks to all our members that work so hard behind the scenes to make these meetings and outings possible!
Wood Ducks of Four Hole Swamp
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Dolphin feeding and wading birds
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Keeping Wildlife Wild: Burrito the Squirrelet’s Story
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Prothonotary Warbler Nest Box Installation
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Yawkey Wildlife Center
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Walk & Talk - Cypress Gardens tour with Gabe Schuler
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